More and more people are utilising storage facilities all over the world for a variety of reasons, from downsizing to taking longer trips to needing more space at home. Storage should not be used as a way to keep your belongings indefinitely when you actually probably should have just got rid of them, nor is it a permanent solution, but there are a great many reasons why you might want to give storage a try.
While it does come with a certain number of risks, storing your belongings can be the solution to all kinds of situations, and is most certainly worth it a lot of the time. Here we will take a look at self-storage and why it might be worth it for you.
Is it worth it to put things in storage?
When talking about storing your items it is first important to understand what we are talking about. Putting your things in storage tends to mean that you pay a company to come and take your belongings to their warehouse or storage area. They will then stack or store your items in crates or similar, and you won’t usually have direct access to them where they are.
If you do want to be able to reach one of your possessions you will generally have to give notice of 24 hours or more, so it is not a great option for those who actually want to use or access their belongings while in storage. It can also be pretty pricey, especially when compared with some of your other storage options.
Alternatively, self-storage is where you rent out a certain amount of space which can be as small as a locker and as large as a shipping container depending on your specific needs. You then place your own possessions inside and can add or take away items and access them as and when you need to. While different self-storage facilities will have different opening hours, you will be able to visit whenever you want within these times.
For those who want or need to store certain items, self-storage is almost always the way to go. Using a company like Keep It and renting out the amount of space you need gives you greater flexibility to add or remove items, store and arrange them as you wish, and have access whenever you need it. Storing items on the other hand is only good if you are happy to have no access until you are ready to get your possessions out of storage entirely.
Can you rent self-storage for a week?
If you are looking for a short-term storage options, self-storage is likely the best option you will find. Plenty of facilities will offer storage units for brief periods of time with the exact minimum length of lease varying from place to place. A week is less common as an option than two weeks or a month but you may be able to find a facility if you do your research and shop around.
Most self-storage places rent out units by the month and require you to pay monthly to keep your belongings there, and some will even offer a reduced rate if you commit to a longer period of six months, for example. If you think that you will require storage for a longer period of time, it can therefore be well worth it to commit from the start and save in the long term.
Other facilities do rent out and charge for space by the week, so if you are hoping to use self-storage for a shorter term, while you are decorating a room or your house for instance, these may be the better choice for you.
What are the most overlooked self-storage risks?
There are risks to any endeavour, and self-storing your belongings is no different. You may end up not being able to afford the costs of renting out the space, could damage your items while moving them or have chosen a facility without adequate cameras and other security measures to name a few of the key ones. There are however a number of overlooked risks that should also be taken into consideration when opting for self-storage:
People not knowing if anything is missing
It is important that you take a thorough inventory of everything that you place in your container, as how can you know if anything is gone if you aren’t sure it was there in the first place? While most self-storage facilities are secure, particularly quality companies that use measures like cameras and even guards, and you should yourself install measures like a strong lock, taking inventory guarantees you know what is there and what should be.
Mice and other pests
You should never keep food in your storage locker, but you can’t always know what your neighbouring self-storage users are keeping in theirs, and therefore pests can be a risk where you keep your items. It is better to be prepared and take precautions like keeping any papers or things that could be nibbled or destroyed in plastic tubs that will keep them safe.
Mould or damage from environmental factors
A number of weather and temperature fluctuations can cause damage to your possessions if they haven’t been stored correctly, or if you don’t have a temperature-controlled unit. High humidity, flooding and dampness can all cause mould to build up, so you should check in on your goods regularly, wrap furniture and keep them off the floor wherever possible.
While there are a number of risks to storing your belongings anywhere, if you take the right precautions, keep only the items you are allowed to in your locker or container, and check in regularly, you shouldn’t have any real problems. People all over the world utilise self-storage facilities, and the vast majority do so without any issues each day.
Final thoughts
If you are looking to keep your belongings somewhere safe for a short or longer period of time where you can still have access more or less whenever you want, self-storage is the option for you. It is most definitely worth doing in so many situations including while you are renovating, travelling or downsizing among others, and gives you the extra space you need for as long as you need it.