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Dealing with legal matters can be stressful, especially when it comes to family law. Such cases often involve the complexities of relationships breaking down and the ensuing issues that need resolution. Whether you’re new to legal matters or have some experience, figuring out where to begin with family law can be perplexing.

To assist you, we’ve gathered information about Australia’s family law system and how to navigate it. Our goal is to provide insights into the types of matters you might need to address through this system, how these matters can be resolved, and the role of the Australian Court in this context.

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What is the Family Law System in Australia and Its Purpose?

Australia’s family law system sets out the rules and guidance for handling family-related disputes and issues. The cornerstone of this system is the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth). These matters can encompass a wide range of issues, but they typically revolve around problems arising from the breakdown of family relationships.

The legislative framework of the family law system is designed to allow people to resolve matters collaboratively or privately. It provides guidance on factors to consider when making decisions, enabling individuals to reach agreements that suit their unique situations.

While the system encourages private resolutions, it also offers support systems and resources, such as the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, for those unable to reach agreements on their own. In some cases, disputes can’t be resolved privately due to an inability to agree or because it’s not safe to do so without legal intervention.

Family law, divorce and marriage court for couple with a contract, document or legal paperwork to s.

What Types of Issues Does the Family Law System Address?

The family law system plays a crucial role in resolving a broad range of family-related problems, many of which stem from relationship breakdowns. Some of the most common issues falling under family law encompass:

  1. Divorce: This involves not only the legal process of ending a marriage but also the associated matters that arise, like dividing assets (property settlements) and arranging parenting and custody matters.
  2. De Facto Separation: Similar to divorce, the end of a de facto relationship can lead to the need for resolutions in areas like property settlements and parenting or custody matters.
  3. Property Settlements: When a relationship, whether a marriage or de facto relationship, concludes, deciding how to divide assets becomes essential. These assets can encompass real estate, vehicles, superannuation, investments, and more. Some couples may easily agree on parenting matters but face challenges when it comes to property-related issues.
  4. Parenting Matters: After the end of a marriage or de facto relationship with children under 18, satisfactory parenting arrangements must be worked out. This includes determining where the children will live and how they will spend time with each parent.
  5. Financial Matters: Apart from property settlements, other financial matters may require resolution, such as financial support for children and/or spouses. Parents are obligated to provide financial support for their children until they reach legal adulthood. Spousal maintenance, though not automatic, might also apply to provide financial support to spouses.
  6. Family and Domestic Violence: These issues may arise after a relationship breakdown or while a couple is still together. The family law system offers protective measures for those affected by domestic and family violence, including protection orders.
  7. Other Matters: The family law system also addresses matters related to adoption, surrogacy, and same-sex relationships, including marriage, divorce, and parenting matters.

In brief, the family law system in Australia is designed to help individuals navigate a wide spectrum of family-related concerns and ensure that they are resolved in a fair and just manner.

Close-up of businesswoman judge hand holding a note-taking pen in the courtroom real estate law concept, mallet, laptop placed at the table

How Are Family Law Issues Resolved?

Many people assume that resolving legal matters, including family law cases, always involves going to court. However, the Australian family law system actually encourages individuals to attempt resolving matters on their own when it’s safe to do so, before resorting to court proceedings.

Family law issues can be resolved in a variety of ways, as explained below:

Private Resolution

Family law matters often find resolution through private discussions between the parties involved. Typically, this means reaching an agreement on parenting arrangements, asset division, and other related matters. Such agreements can be documented informally or formally. It is advisable to formalise agreements, making them legally binding. This can be achieved through consent orders or binding financial agreements. Seeking legal advice before formalising an agreement is recommended.

Negotiations with or without Legal Representation

Reaching an agreement typically involves negotiation and compromise. Negotiation can take place in different forms. You and your former spouse can negotiate privately, engage family lawyers to assist in negotiations or have a family lawyer represent you in negotiations with your ex-partner or their legal representative. It’s essential to consider your priorities during negotiation and also be receptive to the other party’s concerns.


Mediation is a common method for resolving disputes and reaching agreements. It involves a neutral third-party mediator who helps facilitate discussions and negotiations between the involved parties. Lawyers can also be present during mediation.

Family law matters can be particularly stressful because they often revolve around emotional and deeply personal issues. This can make it challenging to have calm and productive discussions with your former partner. The mediator’s role is to maintain focus during discussions and ensure that each party has the opportunity to express their concerns and desires.

Mediation is often a mandatory step before parties can initiate court proceedings to resolve their issues.


In the Australian family law system, the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia serve the role of helping people efficiently resolve their family law matters. The Court handles a wide range of family law issues, including those mentioned earlier.

Going to court to settle a matter is typically considered a last resort, except when the situation is particularly urgent. There are several reasons for this, including the fact that court proceedings can be time-consuming and costly. Moreover, the overarching goal of the system is to empower individuals to reach their own agreements and have more control over the outcomes. When a court issues an order (a decision), it might be subject to appeal, but altering orders can be challenging. Occasionally, the court’s decision may not be satisfactory for either party involved.

Family couple consultations with a lawyer or insurance agent. Law and insurance.

Do You Need a Family Lawyer?

While not mandatory, seeking legal advice is highly recommended.

A family lawyer can offer legal guidance, review agreements, represent you in negotiations, provide support during mediation, assist in preparing applications and documentation, and represent you in court.

Though some family law processes can be pursued without a lawyer, it’s advisable to work with one because family law can be complex. Navigating this system during a challenging time can be difficult, and a lawyer can help you understand your rights and obligations.

What to Do When Involved in a Family Law Matter

If you’re facing a family law issue, it’s wise to seek advice early. Engaging a lawyer isn’t always necessary, but seeking advice allows you to assess your situation and make informed decisions.

A family lawyer can provide the guidance you need to resolve your matters more efficiently and fairly, helping you understand your options and take appropriate steps.

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Is an electric composter sustainable? How much electricity do they use and are they worth it? https://hubcloud.com.au/electric-composter-sustainable-how-much-electricity-they-use-are-they-worth-it/ Fri, 06 Jan 2023 04:39:24 +0000 https://hubcloud.com.au/?p=4410 Is an electric composter sustainable? How much electricity do they use and are they worth it? Click here to find out more…

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Composting is one of the best things that you can do to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment today. Over 20% of the waste that ends up in landfills is organic and could have been composted, and doing your part can help get this number down where it belongs.

Buying an electric composter can seem like the perfect solution, but does it come with its own downsides like high electricity consumption and energy bills? Here we will take a look at electric composters to see if they really are the answer to your composting needs.

Is an electric composter sustainable?

photo: wired.com

While it is easy to jump on the bandwagon with any new product that promises to be green, it is essential that you know that your new product is actually as sustainable and environmentally positive as it claims to be.

Electric composters work to reduce pollution and waste by composting your leftovers, garden waste, and so much more. Different brands and types will use varied approaches and can end up with different results. Some use a great deal of heat to break down your waste and then produce a substance that looks a little like coffee grounds (which CAN be composted), which you then add to your plants.

Others use alternate methods. Microorganisms are added the first time you use your Hass Electric Food Composter, and after that, they will continually replicate and replace themselves so that you don’t have to worry about them ever again. These then break down the waste until it becomes a rich fertiliser.

This self-sustainability is one of the aspects of this electric composter that makes it so very appealing as a composting option. As long as you don’t overfill it, or add in any of the products that can mess with the process, your composter will work away and recycle around 1-2kg of organic waste each day.

If you opted to throw out your compostable materials instead, they would be collected up with all the other rubbish and chucked in a landfill somewhere to potentially leak into water supplies and generally add to the terrible pollution already rife in the world.

By contrast, choosing to use an electric composter that swiftly and cleanly turns your rubbish into 100% organic fertiliser that can then be used to grow new fruits and vegetables is by far the better option. By eating, composting, growing and eating new food, you are encouraging a beautiful and sustainable cycle to continue. 

One of the best qualities of electric composters is how they work to reduce the amount of methane given off by organic matter in landfills. In the US alone, foods and other waste that could be composted give off the third highest amount of methane in the whole country. By contrast, electric composters don’t give off any methane while they work.

It is true that the materials used to manufacture these composters can be less sustainable, but the benefits that they create outweigh the initial cost in plastic. You can also choose to go with a brand that is more eco-friendly, that allows you to wash and reuse the filters rather than one where you have to replace them.

How much electricity do electric composters use?

photo: myhomedojo.com

Some people shy away from getting an electric composter as they fear that it will cost an arm and a leg, and negate some of the positives with a pricey energy bill. In fact, on average, an electric composter will only use around 150-200kWh per year, or around about the same as your coffee machine would use. 

So many appliances in your home will use so much more electricity than that, and many of them you may not even want or need anymore. If you buy an electric composter, plug it in and have it running but don’t actually use it, then of course it is a terrible waste of money and electricity. 

If, on the other hand, you are planning to fill it up regularly and reduce your carbon footprint by processing up to 2kg of waste a day into the best compost you can create, then spending roughly as much as any other small appliance on electric doesn’t seem a big price to pay.

While it does indeed use electricity, your composter will allow you to save money by growing your own fruit and vegetables in your fantastic rich fertiliser, will help to reduce methane and pollution, and is a step towards helping save the planet that you can get started on today.

Is an electric composter worth it?

All in all, an electric composter is one of the best appliances you can buy today to improve both your life and the planet, while also creating a sustainable way to reduce and recycle your organic waste. If you aren’t going to use it then it is a waste of money and plastic, but if you have got to this point then that doesn’t seem likely to apply to you.

An electric composter is so convenient, it fits right in your kitchen and goes through an impressive amount of matter a day without any bad odours or other issues that come with traditional composting. You don’t have to worry about attracting pests, and you can create rich and wonderful fertiliser at the push of a button.

There are downsides to everything, and your composter will cost you in electricity and time if you are to keep it going, but these pale in comparison to all of the benefits there are to composting your own waste easily at home.


Doing your part for the environment is so important today, and so is finding the best ways to process and recycle whatever rubbish you can to prevent it from ending up in a landfill and contributing to the greater problems of pollution and waste.

An electric composter does indeed use a small amount of electricity to work, but the impact it can have on the amount you chuck away will astound you, and you will be left with lovely organic fertiliser to grow new food and plants all over again.

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