Schneider Electric is a multinational company that brings digital automation and energy management to more than 100 countries around the world. It has been around for going on 200 years and its push in the last decades for sustainability and efficiency in homes, offices and other buildings has made big waves. Despite all this, there are still many people who are not familiar with the company, so here we will look at exactly what Schneider Electric does and if they are a brand you should get behind and use for your own electrical needs.
Is Schneider Electric a good brand?

Schneider Electric is known globally as a solid and reliable brand, one that has flourished over the last few years. They have been among those leading the charge for smart homes and sustainability in all areas, private, public and commercial. Schneider Electric has been reported as having an obsessive focus on sustainability, which given today’s climate and focus on the future puts them in good stead at trend predictions and growth in the coming years.
A long-standing company, people have been putting their trust in Schneider Electric for well over a century. A big name in the business of electricity and energy, the recent focus on increasing efficiency and planning to bring homes and businesses into the modern era will only further their standing among consumers who hope to save on energy bills wherever they can.
What is Schneider Electric known for?

Schneider Electric is known for its software, hardware, and services that it provides to businesses and people around the world to aid with energy management. It has many official Schneider distributors entrusted with sending out its various products and implementing services in countries across the globe.
While Schneider Electric has its modern and comprehensive distribution management systems and big-picture sustainability solutions, they are also known for on-the-ground products from switches to circuit breakers to the lights themselves. You can find a Schneider Electric product to suit any and all electrical needs, and with their superior implementation systems, you can put them to their best use and save in the long term at the same time.
Is ABB the same as Schneider?

ABB is not the same company as Schneider Electric, though they are both in the same field of energy and both state they are working towards a more sustainable future. ABB is the end result of many mergers but was primarily founded in 1988 after a merger between the Swedish and Swiss companies, ASEA and BBC. These two companies both had a long and proud history of innovation and were well-known and respected in the industry from the 1880s and 1890s.
They too are looking towards the future with big moves in digitalisation, robotics and automation. Transforming society and industry, ABB offers digital solutions to problems and aims to keep raising the bar on what is possible and probable by pushing the boundaries of technology. They are still growing and acquiring new partners and other companies as they aim to become more and more prominent in countries like the USA.
Combining software with robotics, electrification and motion technology, ABB is at the cutting edge of its field.
Which company is better ABB or Schneider?

In general, both companies are at the top of their field and provide excellent products and services for their customers in their industry down to the home level. They both focus on sustainability and efficiency in their systems, software and hardware, and aim to continue the trend towards a more global long-lasting future.
That being said, ABB is relatively newer as a complete company and is still growing, while Schneider Electric has been heading the game for nearly 200 years and doing it well. Schneider has also been applauded as leading the charge for smart homes and the modernisation of housing across the world in order to reduce energy bills and brighten the future. ABB has certainly placed a premium on doing the same, but it could be argued that they are merely following the direction set by Schneider Electric.
ABB differs in that it has a greater focus on new technologies like robotics and is a proud partner in the new Formula E Championship, where it can test and show off advances in electrification and mobility technology as well as the digitalisation of the process on a public platform. Their breakthroughs in robotics with YuMi in 2015 and a hybrid DC Breaker in 2012 are further examples of this company’s innovative powers. They are in the spotlight and proving again and again that they belong there.
Many more people may be aware of ABB than Schneider Electric depending on what kind of field they operate in, but both companies are excellent examples of what a business should be. They strive for a better future achieved the right way, through sustainability and efficiency that will leave us all better off.
To Sum Up:
- Schneider Electric is a fantastic brand that has been working for homes and businesses for nearly 200 years.
- Their push towards sustainability and efficiency not only helps their own customers and improves their own products, but pushes forward the movement of all businesses in the sector and across the board to do the same.
- They are working to modernise homes and businesses to bring them into the 21st century, and in such a way that will result in lower energy bills and more efficient systems in the long run.
- Schneider Electric is known for hardware, software and services all revolving around electricity and smart energy distribution. Their advanced management systems focus on efficiency and their products are supplied by top suppliers worldwide.
- ABB is another huge company working in the energy field. They also promise that sustainability is a big priority for them and that they will continue to build their company in the coming years.
ABB and Schneider Electric are both companies you can put your trust in as they continue to innovate and work to bring better technology and lower energy prices to everyone.